The Linnaean Society of New York

Best Practices for Group Birding

Follow The Leaders

  • They know the area you are visiting and are aware of unique environmental sensitivities.
  • Always remain behind the leader to avoid inadvertently flushing a bird before others see it.
  • Watch for posted regulations in the area you are visiting, and stay on designated paths as much as possible.

Respect The Group

  • Remain with the group at all times. 
  • Stay with the group on one side of the path. 
  • Leave space for other walkers to pass by.
  • Be careful to avoid walking in front of someone looking at a bird. Share the best viewing points so that others can have a good look.

Stay Quiet, Look, & Listen

  • Try to avoid pointing at a bird and making sudden movements. This may drive away the bird.
  • Alert the leaders if you see a bird before they do. 
  • Conversely, let the leaders know if you do not see a bird so they can help you find it.
  • Keep conversations to the group’s rear and speak in soft voices.
  • Step away from the group to use your cell phone.
  • Refrain from calling in a bird using recorded sound. The leaders may make an exception in rare situations, but only they should use an audio device. Refer to the ABA Code of Birding Ethics to learn about the proper use of recordings.

Respectful Photography

  • If you’re a photographer, be mindful of everyone’s desire to see the bird.
  • Only move closer to take a photo once everyone has seen the bird.
  • If you take photos and want to share them, please read our photography guidelines.

Reporting Your Sightings

  • Do not share sensitive species’ locations on large public forums like X.
  • The trip registrar will typically submit a trip report that will be posted on the Linnaean website.
  • If the group wishes to submit an eBird report, we request that only one eBird report be submitted for the trip and that it be shared with all participants. 

Additional Resources For Birding Etiquette