Central Park with Richard Lieberman, Kevin Sisco, Janet Wooten 10/19/2021

Registrar: Kathleen Howley
Participants: 27
Weather: 55º F, clear, 10 mph WSW
Bird Species: 45

This is the time of year to see sparrows, and many Song (80) and White-throated (250) were reported, as well as White-crowned, Swamp, and a Chipping. There were also high numbers of Ruddy Ducks (39) and Hermit Thrushes (28). Many of the warbler species have left and are now headed to their wintering grounds, but we look forward to their return in the spring.

Species Lists

Canada Goose
Northern Shoveler
Ruddy Duck
Pied-billed Grebe
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
American Coot
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Double-crested Cormorant
Cooper’s Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
American Kestrel
Eastern Phoebe
Blue-headed Vireo
Blue Jay
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Brown Creeper
Winter Wren
European Starling
Gray Catbird
Hermit Thrush
American Robin
House Sparrow
American Goldfinch
Chipping Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
White-crowned Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Eastern Towhee
Common Grackle
Common Yellowthroat
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Northern Cardinal