The Linnaean Society of New York

Prospect Park

Date: Saturday, September 15, 2024

Leader: Tom Stephenson
Transportation: Public Transportation: Participants can use public transportation to arrive at the meeting location.
Meeting Point: After your registration is confirmed, the Registrar will share directions, the exact meeting place, and time with attendees.
Schedule: This trip ends in the early afternoon.
Relative Difficulty: We will walk on paved and unpaved paths with some moderate inclines.

Trip Description: Prospect Park, one of New York State’s Important Bird Areas, is a must-visit destination for every New York City birder, especially during migration time. We will explore the park at a leisurely pace, pointing out park exits and subway lines for those who may need to leave early. Our previous walks have been filled with unique sightings, including a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, a Common Nighthawk, and numerous warbler species. And remember, fall is a prime time to spot sparrows.

Our leader, Tom Stephenson, is not just an experienced birder but also the author of The Warbler Guide book and app and the Bird Genie app. His expertise is widely recognized, with his articles and photographs featured in museums and many publications, including Birding, Bird Watcher’s Digest, Handbook of the Birds of the World, Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Birds of Madagascar, and Guide to the Birds of SE Brazil. In 2014, Tom and his team set the US record for a Photo Big Day, capturing images of 208 species in just 24 hours.

Please read The Linnaean Society of New York COVID-19 Field Trip Guidelines before registering.

Registration: Registration opens at 9 am on Monday, September 2. After that time, click here to register. Registration closes at 6 pm on Wednesday, September 11. Members (and those who have applied for membership) will be prioritized over non-members.

Please read the About Our Trips page, if you’re going on a field trip for the first time. It details our field trip policies, recommends what to bring on a trip, and offers other useful information, pro tips, and tricks.

If after visiting the About Our Trips page, you still have questions, feel free to contact the Registrar via email.


Sunday, September 15, 2024


Amanda Bielskas