The Linnaean Society of New York

Sterling Forest State Park

Date: Saturday, May 17, 2025

Leaders: David Spawn and Tod Winston
Transportation: Carpool Trip – Drivers willing to provide rides are encouraged to attend. The Registrar will work with participants without a vehicle to organize rides and share the suggested carpool fee for the driver. This usually works out, but we can not guarantee a ride unless there are enough enough volunteer drivers.
Meeting Point: After your registration is confirmed, the Registrar will share directions, the exact meeting place, and time with attendees.
Schedule: The trip will end in the early afternoon.
Relative Difficulty: The terrain is hilly; be prepared for a day of slow hiking, and take protections against ticks and a day in the sun.

Trip Description: Sterling Forest State Park is part of New York State’s Bird Conservation Area Program, having “considerable biodiversity including a diversity of bird species.” On our visit we can expect to see and hear the lovely songs of the birds that nest there, including Golden-winged Warblers, Blue-winged Warblers, Prairie Warblers, Cerulean Warblers, Indigo Buntings, Acadian Flycatchers, and Yellow-billed Cuckoos, as well as Broad-winged and Red-shouldered Hawks.

Please read The Linnaean Society of New York COVID-19 Field Trip Guidelines before registering.

Registration: Registration opens at 9 am on Monday, May 5. After that time, click here to register. Registration closes at 6 pm on Wednesday, May 14. Members (and those who have applied for membership) will be prioritized over non-members.

Please read the About Our Trips page, if you’re going on a field trip for the first time. It details our field trip policies, recommends what to bring on a trip, and offers other useful information, pro tips, and tricks.

If after visiting the About Our Trips page, you still have questions, feel free to contact the Registrar via email.


Saturday, May 17, 2025


Sterling Forest State Park
Sterling Forest State Park
Tuxedo, NY


Lisa Kroop