The Linnaean Society of New York


Sarah Elliot Newsletters (from the LSNY Archives)

The complete Sarah Elliott newsletters (1995 to 2008) as individual PDFs for each of the 14 years. (These were included in Proceedings of The Linnaean Society of New York 76.)

Transactions of The Linnaean Society of New York

Published at longer intervals, presenting lengthier papers. The documents listed here are available as PDF files.

  • LSNY Transactions v. I, 1882 
    • Vertebrates of the Adirondack Region, Northeastern New York by Clinton Hart Merriam, M. D. 
    • Is not the Fish Crow A Winter as Well as a Summer Resident at the Northern Limit of its Range by William Dutcher
    • A Review of the Summer Birds of a Part of the Catskill Mountains With Prefatory Remarks on the Faunal and Floral features of the Region by Eugene Pintard Bicknell
  • LSNY Transactions v. II, 1884
    • Vertebrates of the Adirondack Region, Northeastern New York by Clinton Hart Merriam, M. C. (Mammalia Concluded) by Clinton Hart Merriam, M. D.  
    • Description of the Genus an Species of the Sorecidae by Clinton Hart Merriam, M. D
  • LSNY Transactions v. VI, 1943
    • Studies in the Life History of the Song Sparrow II: The Behavior of Song Sparrows and Other Passerines by Margaret Morse Nice
  • LSNY Transactions v. VII, 1955
    • The Species of Middle American Birds: A list of all species recorded from Mexico to Panama, with suggested English names, outlines of range, and a distributional bibliography by Eugene Eisenmann
  • LSNY Transactions v. IX, 1978
    Colonial Waterbird Group 2nd Annual Meeting October 20-23, 1978 Invited Papers:
    • The Habitats, Distribution, and Numbers of Northern Seabirds by W. R. P. Bourne 
      The Pelagic Ecology of Seabirds by R. G. B. Brown
    • Population and Colony-Site Trends of Long Island Waterbirds for Five Years in the Mid 1970s by Paul A. Buckley and Francine G. Buckley
    • Coastal Surveys—Northeast and Northwest by William H. Drury
      Censusing Waterbird Colonies: Some Sampling Experiments by R. Michael Erwin
    • The Effects of Timing of Breeding, Dispersion of Nests, and Habitat Selection on Nesting Success of Colonial Waterbirds by Donald A. McCrimmon, Jr 
      Effects of Toxic Pollutants on Productivity in Colonial Waterbirds by Ian C. T. Nisbet
    • The Influence of Annual Variation in Rainfall and Water Levels on Nesting by Florida Populations of Wading Birds by John C. Ogden, Herbert W. Kale, II, and Stephan A. Nesbitt
    • Census Methods for Gulf Coast Waterbirds by John W. Portnoy
    • Why Are There Different Kinds of Herons? by Harry F. Recher and Judy A. Recher
  • LSNY Transactions v. X, 2007
    • Natural History of New York City Parks and Great Gull Island. Includes papers on area flora, fauna, and geology by S. Horenstein, A. Brash, M.L. Cadenasso et al., G. Tudor, E. Lamont, H. Zirlin, S. Walter, E. Pehek, A. Sloan, J. Bourque, T. Boretti et al., D. Kunstler, L. Ekernas and K. Mertes, H. Hays, and J. DiCostanzo
  • LSNY Transactions v. XI, 2023
    Volume XI of Transactions focuses on the waters around New York City and Long Island. It begins with nine papers reporting recent findings from the decades-long research effort on Great Gull Island, the island off the North Fork of Long Island that has been the home of the largest nesting colony of Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii) in the Northern Hemisphere. The research includes the use of the most modern tools, including nanotags, gps, and nest cameras, the preferred nesting locations and movement of the birds, the success of single parent terns in raising their young, and new findings in plumage variation.

    The volume concludes with an encyclopedic survey of the oceanic birds that appear in the New York Bight, the large area of the Atlantic Ocean south and east of New York City that extends from New Jersey to the tip of Long Island. Richly illustrated with photographs of birds only seen out on the waters, it provides a guide for birders on pelagic birding trips, knowledge for birders who remain on shore, and an overview of oceanic bird populations that may well change as the climate changes.

    The volume is dedicated to Helen Hays, who for fifty years has led the tern research project on Great Gull Island, inspiring and eliciting the participation of countless summer volunteers. 

    • Plumage Variation in Known-Age Common Terns by Joseph DiCostanzo, Helen Hays
    • Effects Of Nanotags on the Behavior of Roseate Terns Nesting on Great Gull Island by Peter W. C. Paton, Pamela H. Loring, Andrea Nyamekye, Grace Donaldson Cormons
    • Using GPS and UAV to Map Common Tern Nesting Habitat on Great Gull Island by Kevin Rogers, Peter August, Peter W.C. Paton, Helen Hays
    • Assessing the Movement Ecology of Roseate and Common Terns During the Breeding Season: A Case Study from Great Gull Island by Pamela H. Loring, Peter W.C. Paton, Grace Donaldson Cormons
    • Using Nest Cameras and Automated Telemetry to Monitor Chick Provisioning by Common and Roseate Terns by Michael D. Abemayor, Pamela H. Loring, Peter W.C. Paton, Indiana Reid-Shaw, Kalaina Thorne
    • PVC Elbow Fittings Provide Protection in Nest Boxes of Roseate Tern Chicks by Catherine J. Neal
    • Life Histories of Roseate Terns Nesting in a New Area by Grace Donaldson Cormons
    • Observations of Chick-Rearing Success by Single-parent Roseate Terns by Grace Donaldson Cormons, Jeffrey A. Spendelow
    • Great Gull Island Roseate Tern Data Summary 1988-2021 by Grace Donaldson Cormons
    • Oceanic Birds of the New York Bight by Angus Wilson

News-Letters of The Linnaean Society of New York 

This is an archive of the Society’s News-Letters of the presently available issues in PDF format. Members will receive the LSNY News-Letters as they are published. 

If you have older issues not seen here and would like to donate them, please scan them and send them to us at info@linnaeannewyork. Write “Old News-Letter” in header of the email. 



  • 2/2007 News-Letter Volume 60, Number 9
    • Linné’s Names — An Underused Field Tool, Especially in South America by Fritz Mueller
    • Mississippi Kite on Great Gull Island by Joseph DiCostanzo


  • 4/2008 News-Letter Volume 62, Number 2
    • Leftover Thoughts on Linné and His Names — And the Role of English by Fritz Mueller
    • Great Gull Island Dock Appeal by Helen Hays
    • Northern California Field Trip Announcement










  • Winter 2025 LSNY News-Letter
    • Reservoir Ducks by Debbie Becker
    • Field Trips by Sandra Beltrao
    • Great Gull Island Recap by Kristin Ellington