Our annual Homecoming Picnic for LSNY members and their guests will take place on Sunday, September 22, from 12:30–3:30 (rain date September 29). The event will be held at Summit Rock this year (enter at Central Park West and West 81st or West 85th Street). Please register online so we know how many people to prepare for. Bring your binoculars and a sandwich; we will provide snacks, drinks, and dessert. LSNY hats will be available for a donation of $25. After lunch we’ll play a fun trivia game and then end the occasion with a bird walk led by Ursula Mitra and Peter Davenport. Don’t worry if you haven’t met any members yet—we’re a friendly crowd, and we’ll be happy to get to know you. Please bring friends who may be interested in joining LSNY.